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Visit and for information about Julie's chamber music performances.

F E A T U R E D   R E V I E W S

“Julie Goldberg is Fantastic! Her playing is invigorating, AND calming all at once. Wonderful!”
- WLUW Radio, Chicago

“BRAVA Julie Goldberg for her most engaging and virtuoso performance!” 
- Springfield Guitar Society

"Thank you for writing this amazing piece for us. It is not only excellent musically but also pedagogically sound. Every student on stage was musically challenged and felt accomplished by performance time. I have yet to perform guitar ensemble music that is as skillfully and thoughtfully composed as yours."

- J. Bobeck, Willowbrook High-School

"Professor Goldberg is a great teacher! She knows her instrument so well and is a master instructor. She can work with a student at any level, beginning to advanced, and help them progress.”
- J.T. VanderCook College of Music Student

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